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Sunday 9 October 2016

Character Profiles

I chose social media pages to represent each character as this is a sixth-age-range related platform where most students communicate after, or during, the school day. Also, through doing it this way you can see where they live, their family/relationships, what school/sixth form they attend, photos of them and three of their social media interactions, being statuses representing current worries or generally to get a feel of their personality, shares of things they're interested in, or photos they uploaded.

Lucy Blake (played by Eleanor Rose)

'Lucy Blake' confirmed to be played by Eleanor Rose, will be my main character in the whole soap opera. Everything is related or centered around her. She has a younger sister, Melody Blake (Molly Bishop), is in a 'complicated' relationship with Nathan Mathewsonn (Harry Colgan), has a friend who's just learnt she's pregnant at a very young age (Pixie Clinton playing Justine Webber). I also am going to feature either one or two of my friend's parents to act as Lucy and Melody Blake's parents who're going to be playing the part of going through a very distressing divorce.

Melody Blake (played by Molly Bishop)

Melody Blake will be one year younger than Lucy Blake, so will be in her first year of sixth form (year 12). She will find her parent's divorce much more distressing than Lucy, she's going to be seen bottling up how she feels about it all. She is going to ask the local known drug dealer (Nathan Mathewsonn) for some pills, Mathewsonn unknowing she plans to take them all in one go eventually ending in her own suicide.

Nathan Mathewsonn (played by Harry Colgan)

Harry Colgan has agreed to play the role of Nathan Mathewsonn, a drug dealer, no good-er. He is in a 'complicated' relationship with Lucy Blake but without her knowledge has cheated on her and got the character Pixie Clinton is playing, pregnant! He will be seen being arrested for supplying Melody Blake the pills she overdoses on and pleading guilty in court.

Justine Webber (played by Pixie Clinton)

Pixie Clinton has agreed to play the part of Lucy Blake's best friend. She tries to support both the Blake children through their parents divorce but becomes aware of Melody's plan to commit suicide. She is in the early stages of pregnancy, Nathan Mathewsonn being the father.

Reflective Comment:
I am pleased I did the Prezis social media style, I think this works well. Also all actors have agreed to playing their role so I am feeling positive about the whole production. More explanation will probably be done on each character, regarding costumes and general characteristics.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent way to do your character profiles. Maybe you can incorporate them into your ancillary tasks somehow.
